
A Culturally Rich Land As A Destination

It is often said that the world has become a lot smaller over the last few decades. Today, with the advent of the internet and low cost long distance travel, it is possible to learn about and experience remote cultures and lands with relative ease. If you are toying with the idea of traveling to West Africa, a good starting point would be to fly into Mali’s capital, Bamako. From here a number of fascinating sights can be reached by local transport or organized tour.

Mali is a jewel in West Africa’s crown, it is a destination that offers visitors a dizzying assortment of opportunities. The country occupies an area that once supported one of Africa’s greatest ever empires, and today the region is rich with a historical resonance.

Its past has bequeathed to Mali some unique attractions, for example the legendary settlement of Timbuktu, a name which still conjures up in the mind a destination that only the most intrepid travelers have experienced. Other cultural attractions that should be on the list of all visitors include the improbably glorious mosque of Djenne, and Mopti’s bustling river port.

The history of Mali is a story which has at its core rivers and deserts. The once busy trade routes that traversed the Sahara made the area among the continent’s richest, while the river Niger also added to the flow of trade and goods. It is still possible to get a feel for how life must have been in centuries past by taking a slow boat along the Niger to Timbuktu, an adventure that would be unforgettable.

Visiting Africa is not just about taking in panoramic scenes and architectural delights, it is the people who give the land its vitality and sense of wonder. Not far from the banks of the Niger lies the Falaise de Bandiagara, sheltering the Dogon tribe. The Dogon cultural rituals have fascinated anthropologists for many years, while their villages are a real sight to behold.

The entire country is alive with a cultural mix, the likes of which is not available elsewhere on the planet. When you book a flight, in a single trip it is possible to spend time traveling across desert wastelands with the nomadic Tuareg people, as well as experiencing a different way of life with the fishing societies of the Bozo. Moreover, the musical traditions of Mali are also not to be missed, traditional folk musicians are an integral component of the country’s culture.…